Aesthetic Dentistry

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Aesthetic dentistry not only makes the teeth beautiful, but also the gums and closure of the teeth. It tries to improve the smile and mouth shape. In this way, the function of the teeth (such as bite shape and strength) is also improved. This area puts the teeth in good condition in terms of both appearance and functionality. Beautification of appearance is part of the whole, but dentistry is not just about it. It is aimed to reach the natural function and health of the mouth. When dental health is combined with aesthetics, it turns into a healthy, strong and beautiful smile.

Why are aesthetic dental applications done?

Aesthetic dental applications are performed on teeth that have changed color due to different factors, broken due to trauma or caries, irregular appearance, discoloration or form disorders in the gingiva and missing teeth.

What treatments are used in aesthetic dentistry?

Adhesive systems (bonding): It covers the changes that should be made in the properties of the tooth such as shape, color and size. These are the methods performed by the bonding process. It is used in filling the spaces between teeth, tooth color changes, filling broken teeth and shaping worn teeth.

Composite filling: Composite filling, which replaces gray fillings in the past, is frequently used in aesthetic dentistry. It gives a natural look. It can be used for a long time if regular maintenance is provided. This method is carried out between half an hour and ten hours.

Porcelain tooth veneer: It gives successful results in cases where more than one tooth is missing or the teeth are unhealthy in many respects. There are several techniques for porcelain dental veneers. Metal supported veneer is diversified as zirconium porcelain and laminated porcelain. After the preliminary examination and measurements are made, the chosen coating method is completed in three four sessions.

Pink aesthetics: Also known as gingival aesthetics, pink aesthetics is performed to eliminate gingival-related aesthetic problems. When the lips are raised during smiling, the appearance of the gums negatively affects the aesthetic appearance. First, it is checked whether the gums are healthy. If it is unhealthy, it is treated. Then gingival alignment is done. Gingival leveling is done with a small laser procedure and an ideal smile emerges.

Digital smile design

With the development of technology, it is possible to see your state before and after starting treatment. Thanks to this method called digital smile design, you can have the smile you dream of.

What problems does smile design eliminate?

It eliminates problems such as disorders in the alignment of the teeth, differences in tooth color, deformity of the gums, broken and cracked tooth structures, shape deformations on the surface and incompatible tooth lengths.

What are the factors affecting smile?

These factors are age, gender, facial features, lips, color, shape and arrangement of teeth and gums.

What do you need to know before applying for aesthetic dentistry?

The cost of treatment can be high due to the use of sensitive techniques and costly materials. Mostly, aesthetic dentistry practice is not covered by insurance. The materials used are very high quality and durable, but they cannot last forever. They can be deformed so it may need to be repeated.